Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Journal 1

Just got out of the service learning orientation and I’m actually looking forward to volunteering. Yesenia and her mother told the class a little history about the school and a little about the community. When Yesenia and her mother took us on the tour of school it remained me of when I went to after school program. Even though my first choice is to sports and fitness, the class that teaches adults English is what I really want to do. When we entered the class room I immediately wanted to tutor the students. All the adults that where sitting in the class room seemed really nice and egger to learn English. When we went upstairs to the gym we saw kids playing with jump ropes, balls, and making up their own games with their imagination. We continued on to the tour and we saw the office and then went to a cafeteria where they play games and Yesenia told us about once a month the kids buy toys with fake money that they earn for being good. I thought this was amazing program would help this children stay on the right track with an award that they want. Im looking forward working with these children and learn about their culture and hopefully learn something about myself.